The Difference Between Roses bouquet and Lilies bouquet
It seems like an odd comparison, given that roses and lilies are physically different and it’s not hard to tell them apart. The rose, arguably the most popular among flowers, is a perennial flowering plant characterized by its distinct arrangement of petals and bulbous bloom. The lily, on the other hand, is known for being a tall and elegant flower with a recognizable pistil at the centre. Perhaps the comparison then is not about the looks of the blossoms, but about the meanings they evoke. The English poet William Cowper once compared the two blooms in his poem “The Lily and the Rose”, in which the flowers vie to become the queen of the garden. In his defence, both flowers exude a regal personality and connote an idea of love, albeit in different interpretations. The Rose by any other name If there is a flower that perfectly embodies passion and a queen-like disposition, the Rose is arguably the first on the list. But then, roses come in different colours and, with them, new meanings. Our u